Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Web Wonderland

Oh my dear Lord.................I have been totally consumed by the world wide web and all of the millions and trillions of baby things to ponder. At first it an innocent click on It seemed like a natural progression, I used to help plan our wedding, has tons of great recipes and decorating, why not check out the bump!!! My first click was a few nights ago and I have yet to come up for air. From converse-esque baby socks to ovulation calendars my interest has been peaked and I am ready for a bump.

The Bump led to desire to decorate a nursery. This desire led me to,, and more and more and more. I felt like I was playing catalog like Kelly and I used to do when we were little. "Catalog" is a very complex game where you "create" a family and then use the sears catalog to order every POSSIBLE thing that they may need. Well let me tell you, there are many more options now than Sears. After hours of planning I started to feel guilty.....having a baby isn't about dressing it and spending thousands of dollars on bugaboo strollers and organic crib sheets.

The materialistic side of me was suppressed for a while and I started researching ways to ways a strong and intelligent child. I started researching and I became afraid.....very afraid. I'm not certain, but our child may have to walk around in a bubble....and a helmet and knee-pads....inside the helmet. Now, I don't want to raise a wuss or a total priss but I want our child to be safe. Immunizations are freaky and we TOTALLY will not have our child poked and prodded just because it is part of the "assembly line" process of childcare.

Thankfully, I caught myself and realized that I don't even have a child and I was getting a little nutty. To help alleviate the nut factor I started looking at of my favorite things. There are books for how to plan, help, raise, brainwash, etc.....your children. Very strange. One interesting thing I found was a book called "Growing Up Global". This text is raved about by Jane it MUST be legit. Tips on how to raise children that are open to and appreciate the differences of others cultures, beliefs, etc......How AWESOME!!!!

Now don't get me wrong, out child will have the most precious of nurseries, adorable clothes, and monogrammed everything. But more importantly, our child will be loved and nurtured and raised to be be life long learners that appreciate people that are different than they are.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

We've Been Bitten!

So, it is official!!! Paul and I have been bitten by the "baby bug". It would probably be more accurate to say that I have been bitten and the "rash" has spread to Paul.

It is so strange that since we made this big decision EVERYTHING has started to revolve around the thought of having a little one in our home. Our Sunday coffee and bagel outings now include trips to the really cute toy store at Park Rd. shops. I simply melt when I watch Paul's eyes light up when he passes by the trains and firetrucks and I just know that he is picturing our little boy playing with them. As if that isn't enough, it cracks me up to watch him bristle with the fear at the thought of having a little girl as I ogle all of the Madame Alexander dolls and princess tea sets . Our Late night talks now include giggles and speculations about who our child will look like. I am hoping for curls....even though neither of us have curly hair..... and my green eyes....and Paul's mouth....thinking of Paul's pouty lips on a little baby make my eyes well up. Even though this baby is just a sparkle in our eyes....he/she already has a tight hold on our hearts.

Monday is our one year anniversary....time has flown by. It is my wish, above all wishes, that this year next time Paul and I will have to have a babysitter watch our little love as we go out on the town to celebrate our second year of marriage.